Use Vendor information when creating a PO or multiple POs from a single invoice
There's another request to allow PO from Invoice (I agree with this)
Adding to that, in the CRM there are fields for Vendor Name and Vendor Code which are not carried over to Books. And in Books there is the cost of goods sold which does not carry over to CRM (unless I overlooked something).
All this information should carry over and should be used to generate as many purchase orders that are needed from a single invoice. A PO should be generated for each Vendor on an invoice and automatically carry over the Vendor name, Vendor Code (assuming this is the vendor item code), cost of goods sold, and general Vendor information so each PO can be emailed to the appropriate Vendor contact.
This will give us POs that will be ready to send out and need little to no updates to them.
Kyle Long commented
This. Yes. I would like to add that it would be good to group items together. For instance, if I create an invoice that has 3 items for Vendor #1 and 2 items for Vendor #2, it would create one PO for each vendor and have those items on it rather than separate POs for each item.
Amy commented
I also agree. Ideally, you could create a sales order and from there, generate purchase orders for each item that are on it (or select items) and have those automatically default to the vendor that has been entered in the item file.
Mario Rodriguez commented
Completely agree with this. In the ideal case when we create a Sales order or Invoice we could also associate that invoice with a vendor or vendors. Right now when we create a sales order or invoice we can only add the customer information not the vendor information, the problem we are facing with this is that, in Sales orders or Invoices, Vendors are not connected in the process. Productos or Services are not connected to Vendors either so at the end of the day the only way we have to connect Sales Orders to Vendors is by adding the Vendor Data as "Sales Person" in the Invoice and then in that way we can create a Report in Zoho Books where we choose the Report "Sales by Sales Person" and in that way we know which invoice belongs to which vendor. This is being our biggest issue in Zoho Books for us and we do not know if Zoho Books Developers will ever consider adding this feature: Adding Vendor information to an Invoice.
Anonymous commented
I agree with this, (I am the one who posted PO from invoice)
Products/Items should have vendor associations aka who you purchase them from. Having the ability to have multiple would be even better. You can also better track and report on your purchases this way.
When you have an invoice you can create multiple PO's with auto fill based on vendor/item association with cost taken into effect.