Show Open Vendor Credits in new Payment Made Screen
We regularly order garments from distributors. We create Purchase Orders for the garments and Bill each PO individually. When we receive the goods, sometimes tshirts are damaged and we ask the Vendors for credits and we enter Vendor Credits and apply them to the bill. We have 30 day terms with the Vendors and pay multiple bills at once, when the garments have been received and accounted for.
When we want to pay the Vendors, we go to Payments Made + and search for that Vendor to see and pay all the Bills at once. The problem is when the Vendor Credit is applied to the Bill, the amounts do not match up with what the Vendor is showing us since they enter the Credit and the PO separately.
Instead of adding the Credit directly to a Bill and then trying to figure out which Credit and PO go together in the Vendors side, I'd prefer to see all the open Credits for that Vendor in the Payments Made screen and select them individually to apply to one big payment.
Simply add a line for each open Credit for this Vendor and allow us to select and use the Credit during this payment!

Anonymous commented
This would also help if the credits that were used to pay the vendor were listed on the payment stub voucher for the vendor to see that they had been applied when they receive the check. Quickbooks did this by listing all the bills as paid in full at the original amount and then listed any credits used at the bottom.
Jim Cunningham commented
This will be very helpful since sometimes we pay the bill before the credit is identified and entered.