Expense to be part personal and part business based on a % Split
I would like to split the expense in percentage (%). Say the mobile expense is 100$ from say Telstra or Optus as the service provider, in which 75% might be business and 25% might be personal and this needs to be done in such a way that we can do this % split in the automatic rules.
Xero and Quickbooks do it well and it's almost a basic feature that every Australian business would need and well defined by ATO to split the expenses as work or personal and record only the work expense.
I am new to Zoho Books, so i am not sure if this feature exists already - I check documentation and other ideas, but none described this so i am guessing it's not available as of today (surprising no one else requested this).
Appreciate if this can be on your top priority. Almost all the business owners would want this feature (and that's why Xero & Quickbooks have this basic feature built into the automatic categorisation of their expenses once define a rule say with the transaction description of the bank feeds and based on the vendor).