Role Permissions at Branch/Location/Cost Center
Along with Permission at Transaction Level, feature to restrict the permissions to a selected Branch or Location or Cost Center is needed.
e.g Role with a particular Branch permission can view only that branch transactions. Role with All Branches permissions can view full organization transactions and run reports.

T K & Co. commented
The branch wise user access restrictions can be implemented. This feature can be enabled.
Kindly contact me at in case you are looking any help in this respect!
Sreejith K commented
Do we have this Option of restricting Brach Access at user id level in Zoho?
Mohammed Abdelwahab commented
did you implement the branch access option to specific user
Bhushan commented
Is this implemented. How come no update on this. This is basic access control
Anonymous commented
@reshma is this implemented now
Stefan commented
@reshma, looking for this feature. Is it implemented. if yes then how to do it.
Abhineet Jain commented
@reshma, looking for this feature. Is it implemented. if yes then how to do it.
@Mithil Patel, Thanks for posting your requirement.
User to Branch association is now being worked on. It will be available in a couple of months. -
Mithil Patel commented
An we know that branches feature in now available to us in Zoho Books, We would like you to enable Branch user Roles just like said above. This will help allotting of users to their specific branch data and also such that they cannot hamper other branch data.