make reconciling easier!
I would love it if the Save and Reconcile Later button and Cleared Amount were in a fixed position on the reconcile page.
This way, as we're scrolling through the long list of transactions to reconcile, we can always quickly and easily see the Cleared Amount and save the reconcile!
Vote it up if you're sick of scrolling to the bottom of the page to save :)

Steve commented
You have made reconciling easier thank you. You guys are awesome.
Please, will you take a look at the reconciliation system.
I expect to see a list of all bank transactions fed, imported and manually created;and a list of those bank entries that have not been reconciled.
What I am now getting in the reconciliation report is a long list of transactions that are not bank related mixed with bank transactions. EG It seems to pick up vendors invoices and other unrelated entries.
I would like to see a bank recon that prints to show what was cleared and what (of the bank entries) was not cleared. If everything was cleared I would like to see "Outstanding Transactions = 0" for example. Whatever other transactions may have taken place must not feature in the bank recon.
Emily commented
Zoho, you added Closing Balance and Difference and the Save Reconcile for Later button to the fixed position on the bottom! That's so awesome! But what about the Cleared Amount? Can that be added too? Pretty please?! And as always, thank you!
Seth commented
The bank reconciliation process, reporting and screens are terrible. We need totals for deposits and withdrawals, and to sort by type of transaction -- check, cash, wire, etc.
There needs to be reporting on the reconciliation history showing the open items so that one can match the bank balance to the Zoho balance.
These are standard features in all bookkeeping and accounting systems.