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1142 results found

  1. Razor Pay API Allow GST invoice

    Allow razor pay API to create customer accounts with GST details and use that GST to generate GST-Invoices

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  2. We Require To Create a Composite Item By Only Selecting The Service.

    We Can Not Able To Create a Composite Item By Only Selecting The Service. There Must Have To Add a Good Item. As Per Our Workflow, Sometimes We Require To Create a Composite Item By Only Selecting The Service.

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  3. Adding Feature For Checking availability of Composite Items which are Under Primary Composite Items

    While Bundling of Composite items we can see Inventory of Items of Primary Composite items but We cannot see the inventory of items which are Inside of those Primary Composite Items. We have to Manually Check the inventory of Items which are under Primary Composite Item then have to Make Bundling. So we Request you to Add this Feature where we can manage Track of each Items in a Single Bundle.

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  4. 1 vote

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. add a prepayment portion in sales order

    sometimes customer pays some deposit first and this need to be recorded in Sales Order, rather than invoice as the items are not yet delivered.

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  7. Allow for Bulk PO conversion from a Sales Order - ZOHO Inventory

    We often build to order. Each order requires us to by from our suppliers prior to building anything. Currently making PO's from a sales order is a very time consuming process including jumping around to multiple windows and views.
    It would be great to have a bulk PO export as the each item is already tied to a vendor. Just to take the busy work out of the existing process.

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  8. In Inventory Summary Report, more attribute like description of the product should be available to identify different product

    Difficult to find out what all product is in inventory as of now.
    if product description is incorporated, it will help in identifying what all different product is available as stock

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  9. Add MPN to Purchasing Price Lists

    Please add MPN to Purchasing Price Lists. The sample export file does not contain SKU or MPN, but if items are exported then the SKU is included.

    The MPN is the only common identifier that a Manufacturer and my company understands so it needs to be added as an index field for importing price lists from my manufacturers.

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  10. Please provide bulk update option to choose GST "ineligible" while creating purchase bills.

    Hi, we are a restaurant and fall under GST 5% without input credit.(Not to be confused with composite tax). In such a case we do not get ITC on any raw material purchased.

    while creating a bill for such purchases we have to manually choose GST "ineligible" for each line item and that is cumbersome considering the fact that each purchase bill has 50 to 100 line items.

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  11. Provide an option to scan and create a Sales Order

    Quite often, we get purchase orders from vendors through, Email / whats app / scan.

    It will be great if your OCR document scanner is integrated to read such orders and create a Sales order.

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  12. Purchase - Receive - Bill sequence is wrong

    Your flow: Purchase - Receive - Bill is wrong. My vendors ALL require:
    Purchase - Bill - Pay - Ship - Receive.
    They will NOT ship until I've paid.
    If I use the flow:
    Purchase - Bill - Pay in Zoho Inventory, I cannot do the Receive step!
    If I do your flow, Purchase - Receive - Bill, sales tax and shipping do not show up on the Receive screen, but they also don't show up on the Bill! Your flow is awkward because it generates two bills: one for the items, and one for tax & shipping! This is…

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  13. Please support the ISO Date format, and use it everywhere if your customer selects it

    Since 1996-05-01, the international format yyyy-mm-dd has become the official standard date format, but the handwritten form d. 'month name' yyyy is also accepted (see DIN 5008). Standardization applies to all applications in the scope of the standard including uses in government, education, engineering and sciences.

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  14. Please support the ISO Date format, and use it everywhere if your customer selects it

    Since 1996-05-01, the international format yyyy-mm-dd has become the official standard date format, but the handwritten form d. 'month name' yyyy is also accepted (see DIN 5008). Standardization applies to all applications in the scope of the standard including uses in government, education, engineering and sciences.

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  15. Use Fifo Cost in Product Sales Report

    It looks like cost in product sales report comes from the purchase price manually inserted for each product. Why does this not use the fifo cost already in the system?

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  16. More flexibility in the system

    I love zoho them...there is nothing like them anywhere. When starting to use a new module, a user is not aware of all the features. However, what the user does or doesn't do in the first days of using any app in the zoho system sets many choices in stone that cant be changed. This prevents us from using the unique features Zoho offers. 1 example among many: we started using zoho invoice only and began recording sales to our customers regarding products that we purchase from a vendor in a foreign country. We then started using zoho inventory…

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  17. Consistency Between Modules

    There are so many inconsistencies between modules. I am certain this is a result of different programmers, but no overall project manager. Example: Import for Zoho Inventory and Zoho Books.

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  18. in Zoho inventory, I would like to group my items by Groups and SubGroups

    in Zoho inventory, I would like to group my items by Groups and SubGroups

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  19. Ageing wise inventory report

    There should be a Report in ZOHO Books, which will provide a detail information about the Goods Holding Period and shows a whole movement of an Item ( the date when the product entered in the warehouse to the date, product got sale ).

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  20. Bundled products should have possibility to add SKU and be virtual ( without blocking a stock)

    Once the order is created the bundled product takes the quantities of simple or composite products from the stock. It is how all online shop engines work. Currently it is not possible to link a bundled product in Zoho with a bundled product in online shop via SKU.

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