Zoho Books
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408 results found
Daily report
Daily report
5 votes -
Improve scheduled reports
The scheduled reporting feature could be improved a lot. Currently the reporting period start dates/end dates are not obvious and don't work as expected (you have to wait for a report to arrive to see if it gives you what you want). The reports should be customisable. It should also be possible for a user (eg book-keeping emplpoyee) to press a button to "send scheduled report now", so that they can trigger the reports being sent to management/directors etc. Scheduling reports doesn't always make sense if the book-keeping person has not completed the data entry and reconciliation for the reporting…
5 votes -
reporting tag to an account in my chart of accounts
The ability to add a reporting tag to an account in my chart of accounts.
For example, I have a reporting tag named Tax and have "Deductible" listed under that tag. Having this feature would enable me to run a P&L and show all items in an account as tax deductible without having to go through the laborious task of adding that tag to each and every expense. It saves time and money!
5 votes -
Customise the P&L
Customise the P&L so that we can have columns for each client, or vendors on a cash or accrual basis and with percentage of revenue for each major line items on the P&L, such as major lines of revenue, COGS, GP, G&A expenses, Personnel Expenses...
5 votes -
Total amount of future recurring invoices
It is essential in a billing program to calculate the billing forecast. If I want to know the future billing of a specific period right now it's not possible since the reports do not show the recurring invoices.
There should be a report to obtain this data.
5 votes -
Australian Taxation Office TPAR
The Australian ATO requires businesses that use sub-contractors to submit a "TPAR" report to them. It would be good if this feature was added to electronically submit the report to ATO. The "TPAR" reports all payments made to eligible sub-contractors. MYOB uses a check box on the contact page to indicate that a supplier is to be reported in the "TPAR"
5 votes -
customer statement based on shipping address.
My customer has multiple delivery addresses based on their contract works. It will be very useful if I can generate statements based on the shipping address so that the customer finds it easy to have a track of invoices being sent to different places
5 votes -
Creating and Saving Custom Reports
Many of us that are coming from Quickbooks really need the flexibility of creating custom reports. My accountant was not happy with the default reports and asked me to create a couple of reports for him. After doing so, I was told that there was no way to save them. As a result he was unable to use the system and asked that I consider going back to QB.
5 votes -
Arabic Language Support for Reports
I wish I can download PDF reports with an arabic support because my accounting accounts are named in both arabic and english.
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5 votes
Can Zoho Book able to provide option to maintained Fixed Assets Register as per Companies Act 2013 Schedule II and compute depreciation ?
Can Zoho Book able to provide option to maintained Fixed Assets Register as per Companies Act 2013 Schedule II and compute depreciation ? integration of Fixed Assets Module provide batter reporting and compliance with accuracy.
5 votes -
Add profit margin in sales and inventory reporting
1) Report margin based on sales by item
3) Report average margin based upon inventory summary, allow expansion to see individual related transactions.
4) Report average margin on sales by Customer, allow expansion to see individual related sales transactions.4 votes -
Profitability on each transaction
While preparing an estimate or an invoice, we'd like to know the potential amount were making on every individual transaction. Since a lot of our enquiries are wholesale.
4 votes -
Sales reports by state
I would like to know in which state we are doing better or worse. Another reason is for Sales Tax. Since we have an employee there we have nexus with the state so we have to pay sales tax. We need to have a way to calculate that.
4 votes -
Calculate DSO & DPO in Zoho Books
Accounts receivables are analyzed by the average number of days to collect payment (called Days Sales Outstanding or DSO), and accounts payable are analyzed by the average number of days it takes to pay an invoice (Days Payable Outstanding or DPO).
4 votes -
Profit Analysis by PO#/Job#
Create a report that will show "all" customer invoices and "all" vendor bills .. with a column for "purchase order#." This simple report will allow users to calculate profit by po#/job#. I've been using QuickBooks for 20 years and this report is one major reason so many companies use QuickBooks.
4 votes -
When running reports, display on report if cash or accrual.
When running reports, display on report if cash or accrual so distinction can be seen at a glance.
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4 votes
payments per item
There should be a report called "payments per item" for a defined date range, since the sales and payment of that item could have occurred in a different fiscal period, i.e. an item could have been sold in 2015 and paid for in 2016. The "sales per item report" does not show whether these items were paid for or not. This should be important for all companies that report on a cash basis.
4 votes -
g/l account numbers
I would like to use numbers too in the chart of account
4 votes
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