Ad hoc entry of Time and Charges
Service based businesses do not always use projects. We use one-off service activities for clients. I need to be able to enter as such:
ABC Company 1 hr $95/hr Remove virus from computer
ABC Company 1 $3/ea Sticky that says "Don't click on virus"
It is ludicrous to think we have to make a Project AND a Task for every time entry.
GeckoTech commented
To elaborate on Dan's requirement: A service/support company has "perpetual projects" of defined "tasks" types that would be possible time tracking requirements accross all companies.
So the idea would be to build a "Support" project with general tasks that predefine certain support tasks. This Support project would not have a "end of date" as it would be open for infinite period of time.
The only variable is that of "Company" which is assigned by the employee at the time he enters his time.
That way I can report on "which tasks" are consuming what time, and "which customers" are consuming what time, and provide even further breakdown on Company+Task times.
getHarvest is the best time tracking system for service/support oriented organizations. It is pretty simple/basic. If Zoho could emulate this it would be great.