Manual entry of tax amount for expenses
In Australia, some expenses are not taxed at the full GST rate, especially when dealing with government departments. For instance, I just purchased an online file for a total cost of $13.26 (incl GST) yet the total GST that I paid was only $0.46 which is nowhere near the standard 10% GST.
I"d suggest that where the radio buttons are to nominate whether the expense amount is inclusive or exclusive of GST (tax) that an additional option be included somehow to manually enter an actual GST amount paid as part of the expense.
Without this it is impossible to correctly track GST collected (through my invoices) against GST paid on expenses and means that I have to manually calculate my GST liability every quarter.

Anonymous commented
need to be able to adjust tax on bills also not only in expense
Wayne Forrest commented
This functionality is available in expenses, why not have it available for bills
Anonymous commented
Although I am too not in Australia, the ability to manually enter an actual VAT amount on purchases, expenses is a must. Sometimes a bill comes in and only part of it is vatable, for example the delivery charge.
Sean Garland commented
Although I'm not in Australia, this is just about a deal breaker. I have to track my taxes on expenses, as that will be the difference between what I owe based on sales and what I've paid. If I have to track the amount separately, then there is no reason to even have an accounting program. There are a ton of great features in Zoho, but to not have the ability to enter the amount of TAX I just paid along with a product (US edition), is ridiculous.