Profit Margin
Include a way to show the profit margin for each item as it added to estimates as well as show the total profit margin near the total for the estimate. The profit margin should be dynamic in a way so that you could adjust your price and see the change in the item margin and total margin for the estimate. This would also work for invoices. Of course this would only be viewable to the business side.
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Wim commented
The only sensible reason to make a quote or estimate is when you are making (enough) profit on it to run your business. This is the number ONE omission from ZOHO Books, and it is amazing it is still not in. I for years ago asked for this feature, and ZHOHO build me some custom routine to do the calculation, but it is not working always and it does not give the level of detail Chris is looking for. I second the proposal of Chris very much!
Geremi commented
It's interesting but wrong
Jenelia Dcruz commented
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Anonymous commented
this is very good feather, i was using 'invoice expert software' for last 9 years, this feather is there, very useful, showing in both Quote & invoice, love to see in Zoho book as well
Anonymous commented
Please add this feature as soon as possible!
Nickson commented
You can do this but adding a customized field and add custom program.
Ravi commented
Please add this feature as early as possible
Anonymous commented
Business is all about profit and loss, why has this not be addressed. Having to manually calculate profit or loss on a complex estimate with many items when ZOHO books could simply provide that info is nuts. Like many businesses we need to "see where we are at" when negotiating a competitive complex sale. We also need to calculate invoice profitability to calculate sales commissions based on invoice profit.
Brian. Nolan commented
We would like to switch from NetSuite but this one feature is very important to us! Sounds like it's been discussed for years but not incorporated yet?
Anonymous commented
comes with item HISTORY LAST 5 ITEMS -
nisar commented
such a simple feature but still missing :(
Anonymous commented
How many people need to ask and vote for this basic feature before you add it? I would have thought it was possible to set this up through advanced customisation features available in Zoho but could seem to make it work like that either. If there is a way to do this please let us know how until you add it as a standard feature.
Rena commented
I am adding my voice to the chorus of Zoho users begging for a Markup feature on Estimates and Invoices. I am also amazed that 8 years later this is still not available. Please, please work on this! So many of us need this, and it can be as simple as allowing us to enter a negative number in the discount column. Right now when I enter -10% it defaults to 0.00%. Why not just let us use a negative number? Any explanation would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Jeff commented
Need this to be competitive in the CRM world.
Anonymous commented
I simply cannot believe that in EIGHT YEARS you have never built such a basic feature. It's *completely insane*. It is essential to specify your cost on EACH item of an invoice and markup (in % or in $). This is in ALL quoting systems ever invented for the past 25 years. Even Quickbooks desktop 1998 has it! How is it even possible that Zoho doesn't?
Joseph commented
It would be great also if we can generate a report for Gross Profit Margin Per invoice
Guillaume commented
I'm also looking for this feature for Estimates and Invoices.
Come on Zoho, profit margin is so important !Thank you,
Stu @ MSD commented
I am amazed this feature doesn't yet exist.
I should be able to look at my inventory and see a profit number and a calculator to make adjustments based on mark up required.