Set defaults for Receive Payments: destination Account & Payment Mode
PLEASE allow ZohoBooks users to set their OWN defaults for Receive Payments. I've seen others say things similar to this in these suggestion pages, but none that specifically list BOTH of these fields.
(A) Allow users to set a default for Payment Mode. We receive payments SOLELY by check, and I want that as my default.
(B) I want the default destination Account to be Undeposited Funds, NOT petty cash. No one would deposit a check to Petty Cash.
By not permitting users to set their own defaults, Zoho is (1) adding steps to what should be a simple, quick process; (2) inviting user errors; and (3) causing users a lot of searching and fixing should they forget to change these fields before saving transactions - something undiscovered until the user tries to deposit the funds.
With all the other suggestions for customization, some dating back years, I would hope that Zoho would give users what they're asking for.
Thank you.