Payment Number Suffix
There is no guide for the map fields when importing transactions. For example - what is a *Payment Number Suffix when importing payments received?
Fran Servera commented
It seems to be like journal transaction number for payments (customer / vendor) so the message "unavailable resource" appears when the number already exists. It would be better if the number is auto numeric increase. The option generate automatic payment number ALSO doesn't work. The only way is to import bank account movements en the assign it manual or as a rule like payments
Parece el número de asiento del diario de pagos / cobros de manera que el mensaje "el recurso no existe" aparece cuando ese numero existe previamente. La opción generar automáticamente número de pago NO SIRVE. Sólo funciona importar asientos bancarios y asignar manual o como regla a cobros y pagos -
Adam Brandt commented
this process is fucked
Rich Clark commented
Same issue. Migrating from Wave and Wave do not have nay prefix or suffix. So I can't currently import payments.