Feature to Select WHO should Approve for each BILL/PO
Currently, the multiple approval is set up for the whole Organization. Please have a feature for the user to should who should the authorizer of each bill/PO for the first stage.

Kamlesh Vikamsey commented
The approval workflow should be multistage where the user who created the transaction should be able to assign for approval to a particular person (not necessarily just a fixed person in the organisation). Please assign Approver rights in user & the user should be able to select from list of Approvers to whom to send for approval. The approver should also be able to reassign the transaction to some other approver to approve if required. The subsequent stage of approvals should also have the same feature. If required the rights of Approver can be stage wise (first level approver, second level approver and so on). This would give flexibility of who approves at different levels of approval.