sales tax
We have a need to know the total sales tax payable to a given collection authority. For example, the State of Oklahoma may have 20 different tax jurisdictions, but only one collection authority (the State of Oklahoma). When we pay our sales taxes, we pay one amount to the state. We need a way to group tax jurisdictions by collection authorities. This way we would only create one tax liability and tax payment for the State of Oklahoma, instead of 20 payments to 20 different tax jurisdictions, then have to reconcile those 20 payments in Zoho to the one payment made from our bank account.
Risians Accounting commented
I agree with. UAE government also introduced corporate tax which is effecting the businesses. If you need tax consultant service, we have top player of taxation
Anonymous commented
I agree. I am not easily able to determine which states make up my current sales tax liability on the balance sheet. I manually have to export the list of reporting tax authorities by month, quarter and year, then add the state to each report, then do a pivot table, then manually add up the filers by reporting period. This is very difficult to do.