Chart of Account numbers
My accountant and I are Zoho Partners for Australia we have an important feature that we would love to see implemented. Current the chart of accounts show in the trial balance report shows like this:
Office Expenses ( 6-1070 ) in one line.
Accountants here use account number like 6-1070 to short accounts and to search for accounts. Would be great if the chart of account number can be in a different column on reports so that it can be used to filter like in the chart of accounts list.

Jason Kimber commented
Also missed something else on chart of accounts. There is no way of bulk deleting chart of accounts when setting up new accounts where the accounts have been fixed and need to be reimported. We had a client recently who had hundreds of chart of accounts and we had to delete the ones not needed 1 by 1 ...took a long time in this case.