It would be great if reporting tags could be associated with any transaction in the subledger
The reporting tags are very powerful in itself, but the implementation is still quite restricted. It would be great if we could associate reporting tags with entities (i.e. customers, vendors, employees, products, purchase orders, sales orders, estimates, and projects). All transactions will get stamped with the reporting tag. A hierarchy of defaults and overrides is followed: if there is a customer reporting tag for location, but this is not present in the product, the sales order line transaction of the product gets tagged with the customer location. But if the customer has a tag x, and the product tag y, and they are mutually exclusive, then the product is the finer detail (one customer can buy many products, therefore the product takes precedence). This defaulting provides an option for a one time setup, and after that very powerful slicing and dicing options for the transactions. Changing a reporting tag will only change the tags on the transactions made AFTER the change. History will be kept the same.
Marie-Andrée Giroux commented
I agree, it's weird that you can import with CSV a manual journal and add tags, but when making the entry in the window, you don't see the tags fiels. It's a must to have all transactions associated with tags if you use the feature.