Allow us to address a different company name within the customers shipping address.
We often have customers who are re-sellers or a systems integrator. In these orders, the items are not shipped to the paying client, they are shipped to their end user at a different location. Many of which have different company names.
Please add an additional field when creating shipping addresses that allow us to have a separate company name for shipping address and one for billing address.

OM commented
This is the Common feature in all applications other than Zoho, It must include.
Rohit P commented
a temporary solution for this can be the following:
While creating the delivery address of the company you are shipping to - you can write the company name in the "street 1" section of the address before writing the actual address below. This will display the company name.
However, this is an important feature hope Zoho looks into it soon.
Stationer commented
Absolutely in agreement. This is a must have.
Anonymous commented
I'm surprised this has not had as many votes as it has, this is a very big must have