Better Search Bar Required
Search Bar, only searches contacts (except on items page). Search Bar should search everything entered in our books, i.e. contacts, emails, items, expenses, incomes, etc.

Rob commented
yes, any field. obv be good to be able to choose specific fields but the lack of search in description is hard.
Also the additional information in transactions types etc. but at least any, any field -
Boris Bronstein commented
The search bar has apparently improved since 2017, but one thing that is still missing:
Search All (by default) - one can search POs. SO, Items, Vendors, Customers, etc.
Then one can use current drop-down menu to search within a particular category or go to Advanced search -
LANETWORKS commented
Many times we know the payee and the exact dollar amount of a charge. Searching for that transaction is cumbersome as the advanced transaction search supports neither field, only a range for dollar amounts. Just adding the payee would be very helpful as we could work around the range only by entering the dollar amount as both the lower and upper bound for the range.