Change from 6 decimal points to 9 decimal points
When you change currencies from KHR (Cambodian Riel) to USD, 6 decimal places is not enough to get an accurate transfer. For example if I was to change 100 USD to 405,000 KHR this is impossible unless I have more decimal points for the exchange rate. This would be the same problem for converting any currency from large to small. Example USD or AUD to Cambodian Riel or Vietnamese Dong ect where the dong and riel are 4000 or 20000 to 1 USD or AUD

RK commented
Yes I agree. I have this problem with Indonesian rupiah. An exchange rate of 1 IDR = 0.000074 can be over a hundred dollars off in a big transaction. You don't even have to display it with any more digits, as long as it was saved in the database and used accurately in calculations when I update it manually with more digits.
Adrian commented
Change exchange rate from 6 decimal places to 9 decimal places