Installment payments for Invoices and Bills
We would like to see implemented installment payments.
bills and invoices can have multiple payment dates.
30% advance on date x
70% balance on date y
50% 60 days from Invoice date
50% 90 days from Invoice date

Christian Wagner commented
We really need this feature, as almost all of our customers are paying in installments. Quickbooks Online has progress invoicing which is a similar idea, but applies more to projects which are paid by progress. A better implementation I have seen is from "Invoiced" which explains it very well. I would like to see this in ZOHO Books:
[...] Payment plans allow your customers to agree to make installment payments to you within a specified timeframe.
How it works: A payment plan can be understood as an extension of the invoice due date. Typically an invoice has payment terms, such as NET 7. For example: An invoice billed on October 1 has a full balance due on October 8. Rigid due dates are not helpful in scenarios where you do not want to collect the full balance at once. This is where payment plans can help.
A payment plan describes a multi-step schedule for collecting payments on an invoice.
Consider this example: A customer has purchased a water heater from you for $1,000. Perhaps that customer is not able to pay the entire balance up front, but you still want to work with them. With payment plans you can issue a $1,000 invoice for the work performed/ products sold, etc., except that you will establish a schedule agreed upon by you and your customer to pay off the invoice balance. Such a payment schedule might look like this:
Installment 1: $500 due on October 1st
Installment 2: $250 due on November 1
Final Installment: $250 due on November 15Once your customer approves the payment plan they will be charged automatically for the installments on the date each payment is due. Invoiced will keep track of the installments as they become due, and update the invoice balance as payment is collected.
Payment plans differ from subscription billing in that neither the time between installment payments nor the installment amounts need to be uniform. Payment plans are attached to a single invoice, and thus can work with any schedule. Payment plans are limited in that the payment plan must add up to the invoice balance. [...]
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Anonymous commented
Hello does anyone at the Zoho Books Dev, Product Management, or Support teams read these (or consolidate similar feature requests posted separately)? A flexible solution or feature for creating custom payment plans and scenarios is something that many businesses need across many different industries. This post alone has 120 votes and 6 comments some as old as 2 years. Without it your customers hands are tied. There are also several posts here requesting similar or overlapping features regarding custom payment schedules or installment plans as well all asking for basically the same thing. We should be able to create a customizable terms and payment plan or installment scenario based on our needs or as is common in our industry. We should be able to raise an invoice, then have it automatically split out payment amounts due and dates due based on criteria we set and then have it send the payment due reminders including the amount due at the time on a date we specify and then have that payment reflected off the the total and show the remaining balance. We should be able to adjust the invoice or add or subtract from it and have the remaining balance adjust accordingly.
For example, lets say a customer is looking to book a tour or vacation package for 2 at $3000/person. They travel on Oct 1, XXXX. Total is $6000, customer pays a fixed $400 deposit/person or a 10% deposit upfront at the time of booking, then pays the remaining balance off in multiple payments before traveling - say 2nd payment of 40% due 6 months before their Oct 1 departure; a third payment of 25% due 4 months before Oct 1 and the final payment of 25% due 2 months before their Oct 1 departure. If a customer calls us and asks to extend their stay an extra day or shorten the trip a bit, we can adjust the total due and or add/subtract by line item adjustments and the payments received and payments due on the payment schedule should all get updated accordingly. I used a specific industry example here but there are scenarios where this or something similar is either absolutely needed in or beneficial to other industries.Seamlessness with Zoho CRM - Ideally this would also be more idiot proof and more obviously integrated well with Zoho CRM - either having it be fully bidirectional, or setting it up in Books and properly pushing the data back to CRM accordingly, or (ideally( by allowing us to control or trigger this in Books from within Zoho CRM when we create a deal (and maybe pick from a couple of different payment/installment plan scenarios we created) so we can have it all be automatically reflected in forecasts based on the stage and when it will be reflected or in revenue reports when the deal is closed won and we want to generate an invoice automatically and reflect when revenues for that deal will show. Without needing a rocket science degree in order to set it all up.
Most importantly, please try to actively monitor or consolidate these customer feature requests we make here (if there are duplicate or similar so that votes count when prioritizing your dev team) and actually respond to our inquiries with status updates, estimated time frames when the feature will be added and stick to them, or propose interim solutions. 2 years or longer with no reply from anyone at Zoho is simply unacceptable in this day and age. This isn't some niche request or frivolous like to have feature - this is absolutely a needed feature for many businesses across many industries which would benefit a good many of your customers or potential customers who are waiting to sign on for Zoho or said no bc you don't have this still. Please get on this or update us as soon as you can Zoho! Thanks
Anonymous commented
I think the majority of users here are very specific in their request and the answer is very manual, considering the options available in an assortment of other robust CRMs. I am suprised that with such a large CRM solution, the billing has not addressed such a billing solution used by larger ticket companies. The issue is quite clear.
We have a client that we bill / invoice for $5000.
the invoice is set to bill on 2/1 for $1000
then we have the option to create payments for any remaining payments. ($4000)
those 4000 in payments are to be set to $500 per month. We should be able to select on the 15th of every month, every two weeks starting on the 5th of the month, or a set custom selected date while i set each payment manually. at the end of the process the invoice will look like this:
2/1 - $1000
3/1 - $500
5/1 - $500
6/1 - $500
7/1 - $500
8/1 - $500
9/1 - $500
10/1 - $500
11/1 - $500
if i wanted to go back in after this setup is displayed, i may be able to edit the dates. to possibly this:
2/1 - $1000
3/5 - $500
5/5 - $500
6/8 - $500
7/4 - $500
8/8 - $500
9/7 - $500
10/2 - $500
11/1 - $500
I should also have the ability to set this to auto-charge this invoice on the due date. if the payment declines, then i need to reach out to client and change the payment date or bill manually.clients will be sent a payment reminder on the day of or before the billing, whatever is selected and if the payment declines, sent a notice where they can pay via alternative method via portal or contact the office to change the date, if we choose to accommodate. Since these are services on an installment, the project needs to be funded in a specific time-frame to have it finish on time and get paid before delivery in full.
clients call in a great deal of time to change the payment date. The billing team opens the invoice and changes the date to accommodate only that one payment. If the client completely reverses course, there are times on occasion that the remaining payments are all edited/deleted and recreated.
when creating such an invoice the sum of the payments will never exceed the invoice amount. the system will prevent you from saving the payments if the payments are less than or more than the invoice total. this should be obvious.
when i send such an invoice, it should contain all the payments so the client can see the schedule originally set up. they agree to those terms per a contract agreement as it is included when they esign.
you can be creative and set for % instead of fixed amounts but this is simply how we conduct our business. this is normal for long term projects where the client has agreed to installment payment terms.
this solution is available with MS and SF through addons like chargent and such. its very common practice to have such flexibility in payments set for future installment billing.
can you please describe how to accomplish this and if not, what workaround is closest. please keep in mind, creating each invoice on the due date to send manually is not an option. for us, we have 500 payments due on one day that are all set up this way.
great software but i really would like a clear answer to this.
Anonymous commented
We would like to see the installment payment option for invoices and bills.
Badr commented
I like this feature and I believe it will help us to reduce unnecessary overdue balance.
we would like to be like this: advance payment amount + number of installments+ interval. so some business required up to 24 monthly installments.
Chintu Gandhi commented
Yes, this is very necessary.
To be able to specify multiple due dates for an invoice with amounts due would be a great feature to have.
As a matter of fact, all respectable desktop accounting systems already have this feature.
Noel commented
Really need the ability to charge and record progress payments from parent invoice generated from an estimate, retainer invoices only handle a deposit. Is there any hope for this update?
Dawn commented
We absolutely need ability to spread payments out for one invoice, with different due dates and amounts.
A) simple split (half now, half in a month)
B) Divided into monthly payments
C) Monthly Actuals - monthly payments based on partial order product delivered during the previous month (i.e. ordered 20 of a product, spread out over several months with uneven delivery of product and paying only for what delivers in previous month)