Mail expenses
We're evaluating Zoho expenses. Since 75% of receipts are sent by email, why can't we forward them to a set address, that detects the sender as user, and adds the expense to the report? Other systems such as Rydoo and the Trinet expense app do offer this feature, that really saves time.
Hi Koen,
Thank you for sharing your feedback.
Zoho Expense has ‘email receipts’ feature within the application. Every user would be provided with a Receipt Forwarding Email address and it would be visible on the top right corner of the ‘Receipt Inbox’ module.
The users can forward their receipts to the receipt forwarding email address. We would scan the receipts and create an expense under the user’s Zoho Expense account.
Kindly give it a try and let us know your feedback. You can write to us at support[@]zohoexpense[dot]com if you have any queries.
Zoho Expense Team.