Automated drop ship support by product, by supplier.
I would love to see a scenario where we can select products which are always drop shipped, set a supplier that it is purchased/sent from and have the drop ship automated on approval.
Order comes in, has 2 items which drop ship from 2 suppliers, with 2 other items from inventory. Both those products are set to automatically be ordered for drop ship upon order confirmation.
SO is reviewed then set to confirmed in Zoho Inventory, PO is generated and sent to the drop ship supplier so that they can be sent easily.
This would remove some steps for merchants who do lots of drop shipping, and purchase certain items from specific suppliers.
At the least, if not to automatically send PO then to generate and prepare the PO for confirmation and sending. That way if we need to adjust the PO we can, but it has been set up for us saving us time.