Import order / transfer Information with only SKU and Quantity column on CSV
The current IMPORT template has more than two columns. It takes more than 5 minutes to import a single order. With SKU and quantity column. The user only would need to scan all product's barcode on the SKU column and add quantity on the QUANITY column. Import the CSV so ZOHO automatically adds all information. Customer and warehouse location's information would be added manually. See Tradegecko's upload system to compare.

The idea has been moved for review.
Anonymous commented
Please make it possible to match items using the field SKU, when importing a csv file. To use the field "item-name" makes it impossible for my use case. Thank you very much
Anonymous commented
Please include a match by SKU for the import of Sales Orders. This is the only common piece of information that we have with our Marketplace that identifies a specific item. This change would facilitate the importing of Amazon FBA Sales Orders.