We have more than 3 attributes for our products - Need more attributes in Zoho
In manufacturing, it is often the case that each product has more than 3 attributes - We need to enter these in Zoho for effective inventory management, and much faster Estimate creation.

The idea has been moved to review.
Sam commented
Hi There, This has been under review since 2017. will this be happening anytime soon? i have one product like most such as a flange bearing and it has 4 attributes minimum and i cannot list it with any less. Is there a work. around or do i not sell this product without it looking a mess?
Dan Keseloff commented
We have been looking at using ZOHO Inventory. However, like manpreet stated, we are also a manufacturer who requires more than 3 attributes. Without this, we are forced with either determining a work-around or looking to another solution.