Shelf to Sheet Stock Taking
The main feature on the inventory is Stock Taking which is missing with Zoho. For example, I run restaurant. We take stock every day night after closing. We use Shelf to Sheet Stock taking method. So we count each item on the shelf and enter on the sheet. Inventory is not just billing alone as given here on Zoho.
If we have 100 items on shelf there should be method to count and enter the items on the app.

Rishi commented
Hello, interesting idea,..Our warehouse does a stock check every 3 months, and we print out a report of all our SKUS and check of the QTY for each. I guess what you are saying is you would like a report showing all the SKU'S , On Hand QTY, and a check box to see if it is correct, if its not correct then you should be able to drill down to see the SKU movement ,and make an adjustment. Should not be hard to implment.