When you have a feed from a credit card in your own currency and you match with an expense in a foreign currency the system uses an exchange rate. This does not take into account the hidden feeds and rate the card company actually charge.
It would be very useful to have a feature that when you match an expense in a foreign currency with a card transaction in your currency, that Zoho takes the amount from the credit card feed not from a calculated exchange rate. The card amount is always the amount you want to claim back as this is what you actually paid (receipt + fees + card company's less advantageous exchange rate).
Mark Loudon commented
I need the same, except I need to be able to match two card transactions to the original, and they add together. My bank shows one transaction for the initial straight exchange rate, then another transaction for a markup.
Markus commented
I would love to see this feature too! Please implement...
Chethan J S commented
Apologies for the delayed response. We would like to get on a call to discuss this with you. Kindly write to with the contact details, convenient date and time (along with time zone), so that we could call you accordingly.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Chethan J S - Zoho Expense