Merge Multiple Receipts into One Expense
Sometimes when I am uploading receipts in bulk I have a receipt with two pages that gets split into two within ZOHO. There is currently a feature that automatically flags them as duplicates, but it only provides the option to delete one, not to attach both images/pdfs to the same expense.
A good example of this is receipts from restaurants: usually I have one itemized receipt, and one receipt listing the total (where tip might be added to a card payment). I need both of these because our clients require itemized receipts for reimbursement, but I also want to show the tip. If I am scanning in bulk and I save each scanned page as its own file, those two pages for the same expense get separated. It would make my life easier if, when ZOHO flags them as duplicates, I could merge the two files into one expense, rather than have to delete one and reattach it to the other.