Improve Inventory API for Purchase Receives
Right now the Inventory API for Purchase Receives lacks several simple features that would help syncing the data between Zoho and an app.
- Providing the "lastmodifiedtime" timestamp when making a GET request to
Without that information, in order to sync "Purchase Receives" to our app, we need to fetch each Purchase Receive all the time.
If we had the "lastmodifiedtime" we could check if there were any changes and only sync the ones that had changes since our last sync.
- Filtering by "lastmodifiedtime" We should be able to make a GET request to filtering by "lastmodifiedtime" like we do for "Purchase Orders".
Once again, that would prevent a lot of unnecessary API Calls.
We could fetch all Purchase receives that had changes in the last X days, instead of having to fetch all of them.
- Purchase Orders webhooks When we create a Purchase Receive the Purchase Orders webhooks are triggered. But when we delete a Purchase Receive no webhook is fired, which I think it should.
Please consider applying these features.
I'm sure that they are easy to implement and very useful for anyone using the Inventory API.
Thank you,
Diogo Gomes