in Sales Order Report I suggest that....
In Sales Order Report, I suggest that within the invoice column, where there is a blue dot marking the fact that invoice was created, I suggest the following color code which will add lot of value:
Gray dot = Draft invoice was created
Blue dot = Invoice sent / waiting for payment
Green dot = Invoice was paid
We have a similar functionality, if not the same.
Hello Ofer,
Thank you for your suggestion.
You suggest that the status of the invoice will get reflected on the sales order page as it is created, due and paid. Although we do not have the exact feature, we have something similar to it which can help you.
If an invoice has been created, then it will be marked blue in the Sales order page but, for the further updates i.e., whether it's due or paid; you have to check the invoices option. You will get an update about all the invoices you have created in a single screen, and you can even filter the data by their status.
Hope this helps. Do share your ideas and recommendations; we would love to hear from you again.