Backordering problems
We have a couple of problems with the way the back ordering works. We often have multiple line orders which need backordering on multiple vendors. Due to lack of storage space, if we get items in at different times we often prefer to partial ship. Unfortunately Inventory doesn't allow this and it seems the only way to do it is to delete the purchase orders that haven't been received, create the partial despatch and then recreate the outstanding backordered purchase orders - nightmare! Can we have the ability to create partial receipts and partial despatches please.
We have this feature available
Hello Dave,
Thank you for writing to us.
You can raise multiple backorders with different vendors for a single sale order. Also, when you receive the product from different vendors; you can mark it as "Partially receive."
You can update your comments which will help you to keep a track. Once the receive has been updated in the system, you can also generate a bill for the number of items received.Here's the link to the help doc. It will give you a better picture. a good day.