Warehouse Transfer Orders - Tracking / notification / more visibility
We have 3 warehouses along the country.
When we move items between warehouse, today we dont have any way to follow the transit at all because in our location we dont have any of the providers you offer to make the transit tracking.
Today to follow the transit is mandatory to have a Tracking Number for an integrated transport service supported.
Please add the Transfer Order the estimated time of arrival to destination.
Im asking also for more visibility of this info. Displaying in the "Item" that an amount of that product is in transit form A to B and when is spectated to arrive.
If we dont receive the product in the warehouse on that "estimated date" (addition requested field), would be optimal to receive a notification, so we can check what happens with the transit or reception of the warehouse.
In our case that we cant use tracking number, would be great to have this information shown based on a date enter manually.
I consider this very important because we are taking much care to deliver to our customers/dealers with the "Packages" tool, but the previous process to accomplish this are elemental to achieve the on-time delivery to customers.
If the products its delayed by our local post or proprietary transport between Warehouses or the reception in the Warehouse was not process on time, we are having huge delays at the final delivery.
Having an alert and more clear information that the product is in transit or if delayed from the "Items" and "Sales Orders" point of view would be great.
This will allow to check any sale person, when its requested for delivery time for the customer/dealer, just has to look into the "Sale Order" and see where are actually the products is, if there is any delay and correct any internal issue.
I think this request its more to arrange how to display the actual information on hand on the "Items" and "Sales Orders" and add notifications of those that dont have tracking services available but also for those who have, to display the status more clear in the "Sales Orders"
Thank you!