option to incluide unit of package and quantity by package
In our case we sell our articles (textil) by squared metre (m2) but we serve packaged in rolls and in our case every roll has a serial number.
For example: we send to a customer 100 m2, and we serve it in 2 rolls of 2x25 m.
So we need to have the possibility of:
- to introduce in the article sheet the package unit (if it is a roll, a box, a pallet, ...) and the quantity by package.
- to assign a serial number to a roll (not by m2)
- see the stock of an article by quantity or by rolls (package unit)
- in an order we need to ad the articles by rolls (package unit), every line one roll (package unit). Using the example, 2 lines of the same product with a quantity of 50 m2 but with diferent serial number.
- In an invoice groupe by article to show the total quantity, using the example 100 m2.