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Zoho Subscriptions

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If you have an idea for a new feature that you want to see in Zoho Subscriptions, then you've reached the right place.

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490 results found

  1. Send invoice before due date

    Allow the option to send the invoice before the date that it recurs, so that customers have a set amount of time to make payment before their accounts are suspended. We bill monthly from the 1st of each month, and send invoices on the 23rd. In Zoho Subscriptions this messes things up as it then sets the customer's payment cycle to the 23rd and the pro-rata amounts are all incorrect.

    433 votes
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  2. Custom payment gateways

    If you allow us to point to the gatway endpoint APIs or push data into those pages, we can simply redirect to our own custom payment gateways. None of your gateways are supported in my country so only half of your features are actually useful to us.

    313 votes
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  3. Add multiple subscriptions and add-ons at once

    We need to be able to create multiple subscriptions and add-ons at once so the first invoice cycle is not all sent with multiple invoices. If a customer signs up for 2 subscriptions and 4 add-ons, we need to be able to add them all at once via the API and via the GUI.

    225 votes
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  4. support VAT

    As an EU company, we need to charge VAT to all EU B2C clients at their local rate, as well as B2B clients in our home country. For other EU-B2B clients we need to collect their VAT number and the invoice should mention "VAT reverse charge".
    This isn't currently supported in Zoho Subscriptions.

    206 votes
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  5. Multi-language

    Multi-language support. I need to sell in 3 languages!

    156 votes
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  6. ACH payments through Stripe payment gateway

    Option to make ACH payments through Stripe payment gateway.

    119 votes
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  7. multi currency

    Allow to the visitor to change the currency in the hosted page.

    the french visitor come in my website go on and click BUY in the bottom of the page, ok no problem the subscription is in €

    but my visitor is american, he want the price in $ not in € without tax

    Why in the hosted page, i can't add the symbol of currency and change the subscription following the currency chooseen by the visitor ?

    thanks you

    118 votes
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  8. Show Overdue Balance on Invoices

    If a customer doesn't pay their bill one month, that overdue balance on their account is not displayed on the next month's invoice. This seems like a "must have" for a subscription billing platform.

    117 votes
    5 comments  ·  Invoice  ·  Admin →
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  9. stripe payment options for europe

    support for Bancontact, Giropay, iDEAL, SEPA Direct Debit, and SOFORT through stripe in europe

    101 votes
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  10. Delete, Hide or Modify Cancelled Subscriptions

    Hi there,

    some sugesstions:

    1. It would be really useful for cancelled subsciptions to be hidden or have the functionality to be removed.

    2 If a cancelled subscription could be reactivated at a later date and you could amend the payment information.

    1. If you could also enable a override skip billing month and admin users have the functionality to override with a note that would also be helpful.

    Thanks again

    91 votes
    3 comments  ·  Usability  ·  Admin →
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  11. Allow customer to change their plan from client portal

    Letting a customer login to their portal and upgrade/downgrade/change the plan that is on their subscription from the portal. System updates the information and calculates any additional charges needed, etc.

    90 votes
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  12. Late fee on Past Due Invoices

    Ability to add late fee for past due invoices automatically.

    86 votes
    3 comments  ·  Invoice  ·  Admin →
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  13. 2checkout

    Recurring Billing using 2Checkout.
    Extend the existing integration with 2Checkout to accommodate automatic billing-similar to all the other payment gateways.

    65 votes
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  14. Subscription price in foreign currency

    Allow the currency and price to be set in a foreign currency for subscription plans

    63 votes
    4 comments  ·  Plans  ·  Admin →
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  15. Integration with Zoho Support

    should be able to see the support tickets raised by a customer if any, by clicking a link in the customer details.

    60 votes
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  16. Support customer with multiple GST numbers and addresses

    Support a single customer that that has multiple GST numbers. Example we have customers that want invoices to be generated separate for each state. I have associated multiple subscription with this customer but since the address and GST is at the customer level the invoices are generated for the only one GST number. This could have been solved if the GST and address was at the Subscription level. Zoho should then use either the subscription level GSTN and address instead of the customer GSTN and address.

    Zoho finance plus has still not handled this basic requirement which is so common…

    60 votes
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  17. Multi-Language Hosted Pages

    The ability to have multiple hosted pages per organization and configure them such that, based on the region and the language of that region, the corresponding Hosted Pages show up on our website.

    55 votes
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  18. Products Integration

    The ability to integrate Products and Plans in Zoho Subscriptions with Products in Zoho CRM.

    53 votes
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  19. Customization options in Hostedpages

    Allow customization options in hosted pages

    53 votes
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  20. Scheduled Upgrades/Downgrades

    It would be nice to be able to schedule an upgrade/downgrade for a specific date in the future. That way, when a customer requests a change for next month, or next week, we can schedule it to happen on that date, rather than remembering to do it manually on said date.

    50 votes
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