Zoho Inventory
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37 results found
6 votes
The idea has been moved into development.
mark received item on services or non-item
I have historical data from books where a PO has services or in some cases items which we did not create an item in books for and of course I cannot mark them as received. These PO's are hanging around as part received or not received although we have had them because it will not allow me to mark them as received. Main thing is they are obscuring the data of receivable items on the dashboard. Is there any easy way to tidy this up? Transactions are locked and deleting them from a PO where the bill has already been…
6 votesThe idea has been moved for development.
Composite Item Groups & Editing Afther Item Group is Created
I would like to Create Composite Item Groups
They don't need all the articals assigned instantly but having the names all listed before adding subarticals is practical for overvieuw purposes.Also not being able to add additional items or edit prices in the Item Group window is not practical.
Now you need to know in advance everything you will need to add or redo it. Or add and edit 1 artical at a time which is time consuming.5 votesThe idea has been moved for development.
Integrate with Amazon.in India
Integrate with Amazon.in India for orders and inventory.
5 votes -
Add new customer from mobile app
If I close a new sale on the road, I need to be able to add a new customer from my iPhone.
3 votesWe are currently making lot of changes in the Inventory mobile application.
Integrate with Zoho Invoice
Why is there no integration between Zoho Invoice and Zoho Inventory also why not have Invoice be able to integrate with Invoice or have the estimate features of invoice integrate with CRM which would integrate with inventory, like the ability to convert an Estimate to a Sales order
2 votesThe idea is under development.
Purchase overview with "paid" mark
Would be great as a bill for a PO is paid that its marked as paid in the PO overview. Its easier to see wich ones need to be paid.
2 votesThe idea is under development
Ability to add multiple photos to product/item listings.
The option to add more photos to each product/item listing would make it easier to see different items views (front, side view, back, up close/detailed view, etc.), could be used to show product labels (ex. nutritional values on food products, and warning or disclaimer information), and could be used to attatch a barcode image associated with the product.
2 votesWe are currrently working on this feature
more detailed videos
1 voteWe have begun work on this
How to sync tax inclusive order from shopify to Zoho inventory?
How to syn tax inclusive orders from shopify to zoho inverntory?
1 voteWe have initiated work on this particular feature
payment terms
Payment terms
I set up a vendor with (lets say) 30 day payment terms.
I create a bill in books with a bill date of (Lets say) 1st June.
Books knows that the due date is 1st July.
This feature does not work in Zoho INVENTORY.1 voteThe idea has been moved to Work In Progress
Mobile app - Mark as Delivered
Add a "Mark as delivered" button on the mobile app
1 voteThe mobile app is currently undergoing lot of developments.
more data in receive history report.
more data in receive history report. We need the ability to include more information (columns) Such as custom fields, Reference#, etc. of PO's
1 voteThe idea is under development.
1 vote
Hi Crystal,
You can now view the available stock while creating packages for your inventory tracked inside Zoho Inventory.As for viewing SKUs, we will take it up and give you that functionality soon.
Price lists in Zoho inventory should be user role based.
Price lists under settings in Zoho Inventory should be user role based.
1 vote -
Track emails sent from Zoho Inventory in the CRM
When we send a sales order from Inventory it isn't tracked in the CRM...this is a necessary improvement.
0 votesThe idea is under development.
purchase order list needs to show Bill status
Since inventory available is sometimes based on bills and invoices, the purchase order listing needs to show the status of a PO in terms of receipt and billing. AS is, you must look at EACH PO to see its billing status... that should be more easy.
0 votesThe idea is under development.
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