Zoho Books
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1025 results found
Allow multiple currencies per client
Why do we need to set up a different client, should our client request to pay different invoices in different currencies?
1,198 votes -
Add automatic late fees on past-due invoices
Ability to automatically calculate, add and track late fees on overdue balances (with email notifications/reminders).
723 votes -
Invoice numbering per client
When you have clients billed on a regular basis it's very important to maintain automatic invoice numbering per client rather than across multiple clients.
It makes it easier to reconcile with clients in case some of the invoices went missing.
Additionally, it makes it impossible for a client to guess the size of your company by guessing how many invoices you create each month.
666 votes -
Include proforma invoice
Please create proforma invoice link to enable a user to create a PI.
While taking out the reports like sales or P&L, then allow the user to either select PI or de-select PI for report generation.
Also allow the user to generate invoice based on the Proforma Created. This feature is almost simalar to Estimates.
642 votes -
Allow the ability to add an extra percentage if paying by credit card
allow the adding of an extra percentage if paying by CC to recover the processing fee charged by the processing provider.
639 votes -
409 votes
Intergrate with whatsapp. PLEASE to send invoices via Whatspp
I would like to be able to send invoices via Whatsapp
201 votes -
E-invoicing Compliance for France and Other European Countries
I suggest that Zoho Books expands its e-invoicing compliance to other countries, starting with France, similar to what has already been done for Germany with the Xrechnung standard. With electronic invoicing becoming mandatory in France from September 1, 2026, ensuring compliance is essential for businesses to meet upcoming regulations.
After Germany and France, it would be logical to support e-invoicing in other European countries to help companies across the EU stay compliant.
If you agree, please add your support by clicking +1 so that Zoho prioritizes this feature!
Thank you!
119 votes -
Convert sales order to delivery challan to invoice .... and feature to select multiple delivery challans to create a single invoice
Lets have a feature to Convert sales order to delivery challan to invoice .... and feature to select multiple delivery challans to create a single invoice. And also vice versa...invoice to single or multiple delivery challans.
111 votes -
Switzerland QR-Invoicing
You might know that Switzerland is moving towards ISO 20022. Recently, some local Swiss Banks provided CAMT.053 which is working perfectly fine in ZBooks. Now, as a next step, old Swiss pay slip (Einzahlungsschein) is moving towards QR-Invoice.
108 votes -
Delivery note
Can we have the option to generate part delivery notes within a draft invoice?
Several times deliveries happen in parts on customer request and invoice is generated only with the final delivery.
Therefore to have a feature that would allow for generation of part delivery notes with distinct dates and DN numbers, tracked into the draft invoice from which they are created will be a great boon.
After reading through suggested features on delivery notes here, j believe that a lot of those could be resolved with this option being provided.
Please look into it.
97 votes -
Backorder view/report at product level
Create a backorder view/report with information at product level.
When an Order is not completely invoiced yet, the status is 'Partially Invoiced' and Zoho Books keeps track of the products that are on the Order, but not yet invoiced.
However, we need to be able to see all Products/Items that are not invoiced in a View/Report, that shows the information at the Product/Item level, like this:
- Product Name
- Quantity ordered but not yet invoiced
- Sales Order Number
- Sales Order Status
- Customer NameIn addition also orders that are invoiced yet (whole order is a backorder)…
62 votes -
GST Tax feature for Malaysia
The feature i requested is GST Tax feature for Malaysia.
- Easily manage GST payable/receivable, and produce our GST Form 3 in one-click.58 votes -
subtotal expenses on invoice
I often have multiple expenses on an invoice along with the other Sales items. It would be very useful for me and my customers to have a subtotal of expenses on the invoice
55 votes -
Invoice Print in (POS) Ticket Style or Layout
Need to print invoices in a ticket printer like EPSON TMU220 or similar (POS PRINTER) but to do it, we need a new style or layout of invoice that fits in a ticket paper and print, I think that will be a very usefull I and also very nature friendly because we spend less paper and tonner.
50 votes -
Tax Shipping
Currently, tax rates only apply to items. It does not apply tax to any shipping charge that may be on the order as well. However, shipping charges are taxable in NYS. Please add the ability to apply tax to the shipping charge on an order.
47 votes -
Stripe and Bitcoin
Integrate the possibility of paying in Bitcoin with Stripe
https://stripe.com/bitcoin46 votes -
Customizable packing slips - attention field, special instruction field
Invoice & Packing Slip - more customizable
(1) Attention Field - essential for billing and shipping products attention to the person who placed the order
(2) Item & Description - not all items on an invoice can be shipped, ie design service, packing charge, etc, so best to make it modifiable on packing slip
(3) Shipping Address - client might have multiple shipping location, it would be great if this field is modifiable or if we are allow to save multiple address under the same contact44 votes -
Different tax accounts per tax code
It would nice to define variable tax G/L account per tax code.
43 votes -
Pro Forma Invoice
Invoicing software that does not have a facility to generate pro forma invoices is not a proper invoicing software. Pro forma invoicing is a daily part of running a business and all business will one day or another need to issue a pro forma invoice to a non credit customers.
42 votes
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