Zoho Books
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175 results found
Field Labor Users
We love Zoho and appreciate what you have created! In our line of work (Electricians), Phone Numbers and Addresses are the most basic things that FIELD LABOR USERS would need when they get time to start and try to complete a PROJECT. As they finish up with one Project, they need to call the next Customer to make sure they are home, ready, etc. Field Labor cannot do this right now. We've had to copy and paste the Contacts phone number and then go back and copy and paste the address into the Project Description. At that point our Techs…
3 votes -
To provide direct link from invoice, estimate or expense to the project it relates to.
It is really necessary to be able to switch from invoice , estimate or expense to the project it relates to. The business most of the time is project based and it is frustrating after reviewing or editing invoice, estimate or expense to start navigation to corresponding project again from scratch.
3 votes -
Fixed Price Project Snapshot Current Billing Period Summary
The project summary Snapshot shows a graph with a toggle to switch between this week, this month, last month, last week.
Below the snapshot graph is a section with Logged hours. This shows all previous hours logged and billed in a simple column.
Please add a column (next to the column that shows total logged hours for the project) that shows the logged hours the project that corresponds to the toggle in the project snapshot.
the above be added as it significantly improves the administration of a fixed price contract for us the user.
I want to provide consulting services…
3 votes -
Tasks within Project priced by different methods.
Allow tasks within a project to be billed by different methods. Example, one task is billed by a fixed price and one task is billed hourly.
9 votes -
1 vote
Zoho TimeSheet Rollover of Hours for uneven hourly Rates
I was working with Sudheer S on the Zoho Timesheet uneven hours (task rates of $125hr and $165hr) for a total project cost of $1250 as displayed below. Please let me know what is the Develop Team progress and or timeline for fixing this very bad issue. This really affects my billing because I always overcharge or undercharge the client for time spent as displayed below in the two attached pictures.
https://i1.wp.com/officeantics.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Screenshot_5.png6 votes -
Associate a project with a tag
Currently, we can add a tag to a costumer. But what if all the departements are invoicing the same costumer? We need to add a tag to a project, but we can't. Currently, I need to change the tag each time I create an invoice.
3 votes -
'Timesheets' should be changed to 'Projects'
The main area navigation selectors within Zoho Books include an option called "Timesheets" below "Accountant" and above "Reports". This option should be renamed to "Projects" as it is more than just timesheets. Hierarchically (within Books), it is Projects first, then it is timesheets, expenses, etc. Having to click on "Timesheets" to get to the "Projects" area is weird and confusing. Small change, but would make the UI make a lot more sense.
6 votes -
To be able to select Items as Tasks in the project creation.
We have created a series of items in order to create estimates. But I would like to be able to select these 'items' i the same way when creating a project.
3 votes -
Global Rate Change for Users Needed
There needs to be a way to make a global rate change to a user's billable rate, otherwise for every project that a user is assigned to, we must make a rate change for users (any time the user has a rate change).
1 vote -
Poder hacer facturas recurrentes desde cada proyecto
Poder dentro de cada proyecto hacer facturas recurrentes
2 votes -
Holiday in Time Sheet
Users often mistakenly enters hours in holiday, eg: Sunday. An option to define certain days as holiday is preferred
1 vote -
All the tasks defined for project should be available during INVOICE preparation
My business involves only fixed cost projects therefore there will not be any LOG Entry. In this case I will appreciate if you provide fields for all tasks defined for the project while creating Invoice, which will definitely help.
3 votes -
Make it possible to have a "master" account that cannot be edited by other team members
Currently, if you grant access to any other user to modify the user roles in your account, they can delete your account or change your role—even if you are the owner of the account.
We need a "master" admin that cannot be deleted.
1 vote -
It would be nice to be able to create PO, add expenses and invoice by additing item for construction and maintenance projects
As a construction and maintenance company we need to track our expenses, create purchase orders and invoices(by adding items) under a project. Any transaction that is created under the project should automatically reference the project.
4 votes -
Add a weekly calendar to Timesheet, All Timesheet
The monthly calendar is fine, but a weekly calendar would provide a more granular view of the week, and many organizations want timesheets posted by the end of each week.
4 votes -
enable rounding on the time recorded for a job.
I'd love to be able to say that time recorded in a project under time sheets using the timer rounds off to the nearest 10 minutes, or 15 minutes, or whatever I choose.
2 votes -
Create a better individual timesheet log
We can already see the weekly timesheet log for one person, but the UX is bad. I want to see the complete name of the project and the task and if the task is billable or not. I need more totals (billable, not billable, by client). I want to start the chronometer there.
The other view, where I can see timesheets by day becomes crazy when you have more than 20 entries. Harvest is a very good exemple to follow for time logging.
2 votes -
Project with itemised fixed budget
I want to be able to create a project that has itemized fixed budget. For example lie this:
- development : 5000.-
- design : 3000.-
- hosting: 1000.-When I issue an invoice for the project, I can show the items.
Right now I can only have one total fixed budget, which I need to edit every time something is added and when I issue an invoice, only one line for the total budget is indicated.
6 votes -
Setting to enable time to be entered in date/time format (e.g. 01:25 instead of 01:15) and carry this forward to report output.
Setting to enable time to be entered in date/time format (e.g. 01:25 instead of 01:15) and carry this forward to report output.
1 vote
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