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175 results found

  1. Rate per Hour or Day per Task and/or per Role (Projekt-Member)

    Rate per Hour or Day per Task and/or per Role (Projekt-Member)
    Two Dimensions for more flexibility

    A Task can have a Rate
    A Role (Project Member) can have a Rate

    That would be also great - If the Project Member can linked to defined Roles - like - Projektmanager, System Engeneer, Architect, Working student, Manager, etc......

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  2. Timesheets, weekly view, the ability to add a note to a time entry would be fantastic. You have go back to the list view to add note now.

    Timesheets, in the weekly view, the ability to add a note to a time entry would be fantastic. At the moment you have go back to the list view to add note.

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  3. Project based on assign the total hours to be billed

    In Zoho Books, I need to assign the total hours to be billed for the project.
    In my case, I need to assign 20 hours (for example) for a project and bill the customer every monthly when the last day is reached. In addiction it is important to accumulate the hours when the customer will not use the hours either by request or support for instance for the next month.
    Like it,
    Client, Contoso has 20 hours per monthly in contract with us it costs to him 500$ per month.
    They had used only 10 hours in February in my…

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  4. Allow association of specific income account with individual project tasks.

    We track our income on a more granular level than "sales." However, we must manually adjust the associated income account for each line item in an invoice (because we itemize individual days of work). It would be nice if, when a project is created, individual tasks could be pre-associated with income accounts. "Sales" would presumably be the default, as many organizations most likely do collect all income under this account. For those that do not, such as ours, this would mean that we would have fewer steps to handle bookkeeping when we submit invoices.

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  5. Task wise Cost budgeting, allocation and tracking

    In case of a project where Budgets are decided based on the Tasks to be done, while creating a task an option is to be provided to update budget of such task and while booking the expenses, it should be allowed to map such task to know the amount spent till date and amount to be spent to arrive at the correct forecast about project profits.

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  6. we should be able to attached documents like PDF and JPG files with all sales and purchase bills or invoice, which we should be able to mail

    Per Entry we should be able to add related PDF / documents and Jpg files with each sales invoice and while mailing clients our invoice we should be able to attach them. i.e. when doing some projects, sending an invoice only is not a requirements, but they are also asking for challan signed copy, AWB copy or when it was delivered etc etc, getting those details from the physical files becomes hectic and time consuming job. This will help to send all the data to client via mail on a single click.

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  7. Add the Timesheet link to the Weekly Time Log so that I can jump to the entry and add my Notes

    It's nice to quickly add a time entry to the Weekly Time Log, but I can't add Notes there - I have to click out and around to get back to that entry to add my Notes. If you were to have either 1) a Note entry block, or 2) a link to the Time Entry so that I can quickly jump there and add the Note, that would be awesome!

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  8. Timesheet approval by clients

    Typical Workflow:
    Engineer works on a project for a customer.
    Engineer completes timesheet for hours spent on that project.
    Timesheet is approved by customer's project manager / user
    Approved timesheet is sent with invoice to customer finance.

    So far the Zoho process assumes hours and costs are managed internally, and not approved by the customer. This is not normal. At the moment zoho books does not allow:
    Approval of timesheets by customer (hardcopy is fine)
    Reporting of project time per project / customer (so that other customers cannot see hours spent on other projects)

    Think of the timesheet as the…

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  9. Task Notifications

    Please let users know when a task has been modified or created.

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  10. Client Portal - Projects - Bills

    I have a client, who buys distressed mortgages & houses, then rents the property back to the house holder, over a long term lease, with an option to buy.
    He would like to be able to record all the maintenance costs on each property over the lenght of the lease (Time Tracking / Projects).
    He would also like to have this information available to the tennant via the portal.
    Currently, bills are not shown on the projects area of the portal.
    I suggest that they should be.

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  11. Track hourly rates at the billed level and paid level in projects

    If I charge my customers for direct hours and charge them $40 per hour and I pay my employees $20 then I should be able to track that just like an item.

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  12. Fetch time from Projects to People for Payroll Timesheets

    AUTOMATICALLY fetch the time entered into PROJECTS as timesheet in PEOPLE for actual attendance and time tracking

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  13. Project-wise Summary and P/L Report

    We need to be able to generate & export a report which shows us basically all the data that we see in the projects module - Project Summary, Expenses & Bills, Sales, Payments, and Profit & Loss. Currently, the only project related report is Task/Time Spent related.

    1. Project Summary
    2. Estimate Value
    3. Payment Received from Customer
    4. No. and Value of Invoices Raised
    5. Amount yet to invoice.
    6. Total Bills
    7. Total Expenses
    8. Payments Made to Vendors
    9. Expected Project Materials Cost
    10. Expected Project Manpower Hours
    11. Actual Manpower Hours
    12. The profit and loss for the project.
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  14. Not allow employees to log billable time on non-billable tasks

    Currently timesheet users can add billable time to a task that is designated as non-billable. If a task is set to non-billable the "billable" checkbox on time entry should be disabled or not be shown at all. The current workaround is to have a separate fixed cost project which is not ideal.

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  15. Task

    I would like it if we could rearrange the task by date, A-Z and other features. When I make it inactive, I want it to disappear!! Also, when I tell it to show 200 to a page, make it stay that way. It's all annoying because I have to repeat every single time.

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  16. Would like to charge daily rate vs hourly rate

    We charge by the half day or full day per partner. We dont charge hourly. Would be good to set daily rate per partner vs have to input as hours.

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  17. Benchmarking to Quickbooks

    Quickbooks does many things better and easier than Zoho, but also somethings Zoho does better. If Zoho wants to be the better product Zoho needs to look at the quickbooks functionalities and improve on those functions. In some ways Zoho is clumsy and too flexible. In other things it is briliiant. I use both QB and Zoho. I thought Zoho could be THE solution, but now I see there are instances where I should be using QB.

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  18. Project Task List Management

    Due to the nature of my work I have a lot of projects that are essentially always live with multiple tasks that are marked inactive when complete and billed. The task lists are getting very very long, if there is no way to hide inactive tasks (which would be ideal), then a way to sort the list would be very useful. Sort by active/inactive, hours logged etc.

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  19. Fixed Fee Project Profitability Summary

    Most of our projects are fixed fee. Unfortunately, the Profitability Summary in Books does not calculate fixed fee projects profits correctly.


    For Example we invoice a customer $3,000; expenses total $800; labor costs total $700; total cost is $1,500; gross project profits are $1,500 or 50% margin.

    Currently Profitability Summary only accounts for expenses.

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  20. Simply Timer with ONLY customer and notes section

    I need a simply timer option that would allow my field techs to choose/enter a customer and then add notes as to what work they did. Current Zoho Timer option requires me to setup projects for every customer and every type of troubleshooting efforts we do. The current Zoho Timer is useful for certain customers but not the majority of the work we do.

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