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241 results found

  1. add item code

    Please add item code in items and it shoul be viewed and printed in invoice and delivery challan

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  2. Provide option to limit sales persons to only using composite items

    Provide an option in user roles to only allow the sales team to view/use composite items.

    This way you can use normal items as inventory assets and composite items as finished goods. Zoho inventory will be able to effectively keep track of all types of inventory without having to burden the sales team with a long list of items

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  3. We want attachement option In items for attaching pdf document.

    While having any kind of transaction we can able to attach attachments of pdf document. We want this feature on Item level. Currently, there is an only option of attaching images. We want the option of attaching documents. By this, we can able to attach any kind of technical details, drawings to the corresponding item.

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  4. Allow inventory tracking on purchased items

    Presently all items created are listed if the sales check box is selected which provide the inventory and stock level. If the purchased check box is checked the item is not listed in the available items for sale which is useful if the item is not for resale but assemble. But you can not track the stock, which give a false business valuation

    If the purchased option is check and the sales in not check there is no inventory option.

    If we could have track the purchased items we can produce a simple manual assemble function, using the stock adjustment…

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  5. be able to select which vendor (or user and role) has access to which items

    I have 2 differents type of vendors :
    - Classic
    - Technico

    Some items are same for each type of vendors, some else ...not.
    It would be nice for each vendors to have only choice of their items display in estimate and invoice.

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  6. Improve search suggest of drop-down lists: i.e. items, customer names, and other lists

    Drop-Down lists for items, customer names, etc. would improve entry time and accuracy if the field would use search suggest (type a few letters and match in any part of the results) instead of only searching from the beginning. For example:
    I have the following products: Cloud Services, Cloud Applications, Cloud Consulting. It would save time if by typing "cons" I already see "Cloud CONSulting" as the only item, instead of typng "cloud" and pick from three options.
    Same for customer names, I often forget the last name of my customers (customers show as LAST, FIRST), so I need to…

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  7. Discount Feature For Fmcg Wholesaler Higher The Quantity Higher The DISCOUNT.

    I want automatic discount function in invoices at Item level
    I have 800 items in my warehouse. Every item has different discount function.

    Item (A)
    basic rate 80
    if customer buys 1 to 3 then I will apply 2% discount.
    if customer buys 3 to12 then i will apply 5% discount
    if more then 12 then 7% discount

    Item (B)
    basic rate 200
    if customer buys 1 to 8 then I will apply 10% discount.
    if customer buys 8 to15 then i will apply 12% discount
    if more then 15 then 15% discount

    Item (C)
    basic rate 80
    if customer…

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  8. Enable inventory tracking in basic subscription

    Enable inventory tracking in the basic subscription. This is crucial feature and accessing it only on professional is too expensive for startups in Africa

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  9. Allow $0 price for a pricelist item

    The pricelist does not differentiate between $0 and null. In some cases may need to include an item at a zero charge on an estimate/invoice.

    When entering a $0 price, this is automatically wiped and set to null. Null and zero are not the same.

    Currrently you need to remember and override this manually.

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  10. have an option to Bulk Update Pricing of Items by a certain Percentage

    I would love to have an option to Bulk Update the Pricing of Items by a certain Percentage each year, instead of me having to manually go in and change the prices.

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  11. Add Items subform to custom module

    We need to add Items to a custom module.

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  12. Direct allocation of items to customer

    Be able to allocate items to a customer from the items screen. So that when a new sales order or invoice is created, the allocated items that have not been billed are indicated and can be selected.

    Similar to when a bill is created and item is allocated to a customer.

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  13. would like to have stock journal (same as tally) to make this transition

    Stock journal is a single most important feature for small manufacturers to jump to zoho. Dont know why such a criticial feature is missing

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  14. Add a list of values to a custom field

    In the custom fields for items we use a classification value which is usually out of 4 or 5 choices. it would be great to create a list of values for the custom field like the data validation feature in excel where you can have a drop down list under the cell and just pick a value from there.

    For example, When creating a new item I like to classify them as 'Spare Parts', 'Electric tools', 'Pneumatic tools', 'Consumables' etc. Its usually something out of those values so rather than having to type it in everytime I create a new…

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  15. Create Services In Items

    The ability to add services in items.

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  16. Why can't we delete or post the original accounts into subaccounts? This is driving my crazy

    I want to be able to delete all accounts even the original ones that are included in the chart of accounts by default. I also want to be able to put all accounts into subaccounts. Is anyone else annoyed by this?

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  17. Synchronisation

    Need to be able to synchro de QTE of the stock in the CRM

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  18. Hi, i suggest you to add a feature by which we can also sort the items by their current stock available .

    i suggest you to add a feature by which we can also sort the items by their current stock available which is not available right now.

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  19. 2 votes

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  20. Group Products by Product Category in Zoho CRM - Quotes

    For the very long list of Products in CRM Quotes, it is very hard to view them. So the should be grouped by Product Category.

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