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326 results found

  1. Approval of Expenses by Admin

    There must be a Compulsory work flow in ZOHO Books where the Admin has to approve the expenses entered by staff or other users just like ZOHO Expense. Only after approval should the expenses go into accounts

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  2. Please allow us more options to customize our check template beside moving information up and down or side to side.

    Disappointed in how my checks looks. My memo notes print way above the memo line, even when I include contact address on the check. If I do not include contact address then my memo notes are aligned up even further away from memo. The checks do not come out a nicely aligned as shown in your pictures. As well, my first stub (middle) prints fine, but the second stub (bottom) starts printing on top of my company name instead of underneath. There are no options for me to adjust this at all.

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  3. Duplicate expense detection

    Other software detects when there are two expenses that are potentially duplicates. Instead I have to manually go through the transaction list and identify them one by one. Please create a better detection system!

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  4. Domestic reverse charging of VAT functionality

    Zoho books has an option to account for reverse charging VAT when buying/selling products from Europe. However, there are several products that are reverse charged domestically. It is not possible to account for these in Zoho Books. Later in the year I understand that certian building activities will be dragged into the reverse charging category. I want to but I can't use Zoho Books until this feature is added, others may have to stop using it if it is not added.

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  5. Expenses/Money IN and OUT/ Manual Journal Entry Printout Option

    I would like to request zoho to create option for the printout of
    1. Expense recorded
    2. Manual journal entry
    3. Money In and Out

    for avoiding making manual vouchers it will save the time of clients who are using zoho books.

    As it is very dificut to make an entry in zoho books after that making a manual voucher to take sign of person who is making deposit money to company or taking money from company.

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  6. Seperate module for Salary & Wages to restrict access of Staff to know other employess salary

    Salary & Wages should be a seperate module as this is a sensitive data & not to be accessed by the Data Entry Staff .

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  7. Split Personal and Business Expenses

    Split Personal and Business Expenses - Would be good to import all expenses and choose which ones are business related and which ones are personal related - Then reflected in the charts.

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  8. convert expense to Bill

    Ability to convert/migrate an expense to a Bill entry.

    Finding at times, when an entry is done and it is incorrectly listed as an 'expense' instead of a bill. (eg, multi-entry required), we will have do undo/unlink, delete the expense then re-enter as a bill.
    It would be good if we could migrate it to a bill, so we do not have to re-enter each time.

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  9. Split one expense into multiple payment methods.

    Sometimes I purchase items using multiple payment methods. For example, I buy something for $100 and pay $30 in cash and $70 in CC. Would be nice to be able to create 1 expense entry (for the same account) and be able to provide multiple payment methods. This happens a lot when I buy from a store where I have store credit and/or gift cards.

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  10. override for GST values in bills

    GST value in some bills by vendors are rounded off instead of rounding off whole bill value. So there should be a way to manually enter the GST values in the bills [Over riding calculation]

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  11. Add Expense Notes to Expense Details Report

    When adding an Expense, there's a Notes field that you can fill in. It would be really handy if this field was displayed in the Expense Details report.

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  12. Employee list and Payroll in Expense

    I would like to suggest that it would be helpful if there an option to add employees list and payroll. It will help us a lot to track salary/wages

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  13. Enable Role where the user can't see transaction done by other users

    I want to enable a user to encode expenses, but without them viewing other transactions done by other users.

    The same limitations is needed in Invoices and other function.

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  14. Choosing due date for Bills

    Zoho Books offers the feature for choosing due date for Recurring Invoices automatically. It would be great if we had the same feature for Recurring Bills rather than having the bill date as the due date.

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  15. email bills

    Can we have an option to email vendor bills to a vendor like we do with client invoices.

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  16. Bulk update Tax Information on expenses

    To be able to update via bulk edit in purchases, the Tax or Tax Exemption, in the same way we can bulk update the date, expense account, paid through, notes and even the reference number.

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  17. allow an expense to be moved to another organization/business

    If I have a small business and home account, I'd like to be able to transfer an expense or transaction from one to the other. This is a feature in Wave that is very helpful when I've added an expense/transaction in the wrong place. I don't have to delete and reenter. I simply click the "move to personal" button.

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  18. to allow vendors to create bills.

    Hi just like you have a portal for customers, you should have a portal for vendors where he/she can go and create bills which we just have to approve and make the payment. As you have now integrated icici bank payment gateway it will be easier for us who have too many vendors and have to make manual entries for each bill. Instead if this facility is provided to the vendors, it will save us a lot of time. Please consider this idea.

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  19. bulk approvals for bills

    Need option to approve bills in bulk.

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  20. Stop the timer

    Stop the timer when there has not been an activity for a while on the computer (I had that function on my previous timer), and ask upon return if the timer should be stopped at the time of last activity or should just continue. Like this if I leave my desk and forget to stop my timer, I don't charge my client for time I have not worked.

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