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274 results found

  1. Party to Party balance transfer voucher

    Dear Team,

    Some times we may need to transfer the balance from one party to another party. that option is not available.

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. Add a context field or comment field for additional addresses

    Many Customers have multiple locations and invoices are created in context of a specific location. I need some sort of description field for each address that is only there to help identify the location. Even a simple customizable categorization (Home, Work, Business etc) would be helpful. This is provided in every contanct system I am aware of.

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  4. Associating Pricelist with Customer

    We can have custom pricelist for each customer so that while invoicing & we already know the pre set prices for any customer.

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  5. Customer Parent Account or Sub-Customer Account

    Some of clients as they have 50 to 300 branches, they required separate account statement with outlet name and number; which means we have to open new account for each branch individually. However, the main issue is that, when they make a payment, they make it from the HQ and its including more than one branch overdue invoices. On top of that, in order for them to clear the outstanding of some branches balances, they use many Credit Notes was issued for different branches to deduct from the total outstanding balance to issue the final payment.

    SO, is it possible…

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. Default sales tax assigned by customer

    Please create a new field in the Customer module that allows a user to assign a sales tax code (created in the Sales Tax module) to each customer (according to their location) that will then auto-populate the sales tax rate when an invoice is created for a specific customer. This is important when a user has to abide by destination-based sales tax requirements. Otherwise the sales tax code and rate has to be applied manually each time an invoice is created.

    For those users who don't need to abide by a destination-based sales tax requirement, they can simply leave the…

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  8. Filter Companiess from Individuals in Customers

    We sell both B2B and D2C; we need the ability to filter to see either only our wholesale (Company) or Retail (Individual) Customers. The system already tags them so it shouldn't be a hard thing to add.

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  9. There should be a field for email address with the billing information

    When we enter information for a new customer, the billing address is often different that the shipping address. Although Zoho has a separate area to enter billing information, there is no place to put a billing email address. Most organizations prefer that invoices be emailed rather than mailed to them, so it would be great if that feature would be added to the billing information section of the customer set-up.

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  10. Associate one contact person to multiple companies

    Ability to associate one person to multiple companies and optionally adding relationship type (for example owner, manager, accountant) and/or e-mail (the same person can have many e-mails depending on the company)

    Useful in many business cases:

    • Create reporting at the group level. For example show me revenue generated to this managers companies

    • Less data entry and less errors in data. Entered/fixed once, correct everywhere.

    • Better customer management. You know all activites with this contact person

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  11. different according to customer for same product

    Add different rates for same product according to customers, wholesale, retail and consumer, also show history of rate according to each cus.

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  12. Release restriction on Custom Field Type

    I have many custom fields however, I am limited to the number of each custom field. I need to be able to have more then 4 Drop downs for files. It would be nice to increase this number or allow a drop down to attach more than 1 file. I really JUST need that!

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  13. Create sub-accounts for clients so that there is a main client from which sub-clients flow

    Create sub-accounts for clients so that there is a main client from which sub-clients flow

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  14. indicate overdue balance of customers

    indicate amount of overdue balance in a different color when we open the customers book

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  15. Share Link for clients/costumer

    I would recommend a share link, that would give the possibility to customers who do not have an account to enter the seller's catalog and create their "shopping cart", a purchase order ( similar to the purchase order you already have but created by the client not the owner/seller) with the items that are added to "items" and that purchase order would be automaticcaly added to the sellers profile as a "request to approve" so the seller can create the invoice (such as in Brandboom and other digital catalog platforms "), thus improving, smoothening and streamlining the customer-seller / items-purchase…

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  16. Grouping of Client in Zoho Books

    Generally all the reports are generated in Customer wise. However, sometime we have more than one company we do billing for the same client but different customer account.

    In tally we can create Groups so it becomes easier to track the billing group wise.

    For eg: if I am supplying goods to Reliance Industries Limited, Reliance Jio Comm Limited etc. I can club all these customers into Reliance Groups to have a direct balances.

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  17. When searching for Invoices- to be able to search by month or year

    There is no way of searching an invoice using month or year

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  18. address

    Allow to select a address-to person when selecting the addresses in the documents.

    Reason is that in many companies, the mail/document must be addressed to a person.

    For example:
    Company Name
    Adress-to-Person (select)
    Street streenumber
    Address Stre 2
    City, State, Zip

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  19. invoice subject on statment of accounts

    Invoice subject to be mentioned in Customer Statement.

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  20. new line to enter GSTIN of customer ship to address

    Dear Zoho team, can you please add new line to enter GSTIN of customer ship to address. Normally it takes by default Bill to GSTIN for Ship to address. where for same customer when ship to address is different than place of supply that GSTIN of ship to address should reflect in invoice.

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