Zoho Books
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209 results found
Add tab with Spreadsheets to Invoices, Estimates and Sales Orders
In Estimates (and Invoices and Sales orders?) add TAB with SPERADSHEETS. With this option, we can have all cost calculations used to create current transaction (Estimate, Invoice, Sales Order). When we need create similar transaction, then we can copy old one and modify spreadsheet to get new costs.
At this time we can connect external spreadsheets, but when we copy transaction and open connected spreadsheetand save new data, we will lost old calculations (on old documents we will have connected spreadsheet with last saved datas).
15 votes -
Budgeting and Estimate for the a year
Please create the estimates/budget/projection template and its comparative with actual performance. We want to see what we said at the beginning of the year and what actually we are doing per month.
15 votes -
add self generating barcode and or qr reader?
HI I run a tool repair bussiness, my guys are spending too much time iding jobs and writing up emails when sending tools back to customers, I would like to stream line this process by taging each tool (use in the footer profile of either estimate or invoice) includeing data that is already in the data base - example - a code that refers to job/reference number and shipping address, then using a mobile phone or bar-code reader have the information come up in text format each time we "zap" the code, I believe this would help other companies in…
14 votes -
13 votes
After Discount value to be displayed
After Discount% in estimates and invoice the cost of the item multiplied by the qty is only shown as a total. But the after discount rate of the item should also be shown. Please add a column as "After Discount Rate".
Ex. - Current Scenario - Cost 200. Discount 10%. Qty 10. Total 1800.
What is required is - Cost 200. Discount 10%. After Discount cost 180. Qty 10. Total 1800.12 votes -
Recurring Estimates
There should an option of generating Recurring Estimates. The reason being that if I create recurring invoices every month, my GST liability automatically arises even if I haven't received the payment for the invoice. Moreover, my customer would claim the Input GST credit even without paying the amount. If I would raise an estimate first, then all the above problems will get resolved. I have 100 customers who pay me rent on monthly basis. So this turns out to be a huge tax libility. Kindly look into the matter and provide the option as soon as possible. (For your reference,…
12 votes -
Estimates - Rearrange item columns (change order of columns)
I would like to be able to change the order the of the item columns on the estimates (and invoices for that matter).
We have...--- Item & Description --- Qty --- Rate --- Discount --- Amount
I would like to be able to change this to...
--- Qty --- Item & Description --- Rate --- Discount --- Amount
Would also like to move the custom columns in there as well. You would think this would be very easy to do.
11 votes -
Estimates for Prospects or Leads
I am so grateful that Zoho CRM contacts can be syncronized with Zoho Books. Most of my estimates get sent to Leads though, and not Clients. This means I have to convert a Lead to a Customer prior to creating an estimate for them. When they don't actually buy, there is no way in CRM to revert them to a Lead, and I have to re-create them. This is causing a lot of extra work (both to send the estimate, and to revert them to a Lead) and headache.
10 votes -
Rename the name of modules such as "Estimates" in Zoho Books, for seamless Organization adoption
Allow for renaming certain modules in Zoho Books (And Zoho finance showing in Zoho CRM integration). Real example: rename the name of modules such as "Estimates" in Zoho Books, for seamless Organization adoption as some organizations really call it Quotes.
9 votes -
I'd like to have the possibility to hide tax in template for estimates
I'd like to have the possibility to hide tax in template for estimates.
The amount without tax is the most important in B to B.Thanks
9 votes -
We need FULL customization (HTML) of the quote/invoices
no full customization (HTML) of the quote/invoices is a deal breaker. please enable for us!
9 votes -
Automatically Create a Potential Sale in the CRM when an Estimate is sent
Pull the quote information to automatically create a potential sale in Zoho CRM.
9 votes -
Delivery Note
Please give the delivery note option (sl, No DN XXXX) before raising the invoice and delivery note reference number allow into invoice template, otherwise no point of use delivery note option as existing.
8 votes -
8 votes
Estimate Enhancements - Columns / Groups
One of the golden rules in sales is that if you are providing a discount you must take credit and clearly articulate that discount. To achieve this the following fields are are required or the ability to calculate and display. In addition to item categories on an estimate.
Columns - Should be able to display in any order
Item #, Item SKU, Item Name, Item description, Qty, List Price, Extended List Price, Discount %, Discount $, Extended Amount (Total)I have see reference to "Groups" and "Chapters". This requires and item level field to be able to "bucket" items into…
8 votes -
add a Budgeting and Planning application
It would be useful to be able to take these applications and project results into the future with a Zoho budgeting/planning application. This application would also allow you to create business models based upon drivers/formulae using your own information or data coming from other Zoho apps. Functionality would also include a reporting function to extract data to create dashboards/scorecards as well as other analytical reporting.
8 votes -
add titles to estimate list
add titles of the estimate to the list. with numerous estimates to the same customer, to find the correct estimate. All estimates 1 by one should be checked to find the correct one
8 votes -
Estimates in dashboard
It would be great to have a global view of the estimates status in the main dashboard, so it could be easier to get information of the total amount of those docs. Same way as you already have in invoices. Thanks
8 votes -
estimate template
I would like to be able to create templates for Estimates and Invoices. I am NOT talking about email templates which are sent based on an existing invoice or estimate.
Use case: create a true Estimate_Template which contains a pre-populated large number of user-defined SKUs. I click "New Estimate from Template", which opens a new Estimate with the pre-populated SKUs, which I can then delete items, edit qty & prices before validating & sending.
This will cut down on admin for me creating new estimates based on similar (but not identical) system sales and projects.7 votes -
Estimate Revision
Estimate usually have manage changes along he bidding process. I have a proposal team to prepare the estimate, So when the 1st revision sent out. The proposal engineer will change to Sent. But there will be clarification comes from client and we will change the Estimate and this will be Revision 2. Two things here,
1)There is no option to have Revision of Estimate, Currently using custom field with Manual input
2) The estimate always shows sent even after editing, So when i check the estimate list i consider this as sent but actually it was not. SO if there…7 votes
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